


作者:海洋学院 编辑:海洋学院 来源:海洋学院 时间:2023-12-07 点击数:


主要研究方向为水产动物免疫病害。主讲《免疫学基础》,《生物制品学》、《基因工程实验》、《生物化学实验》等课程。自入职以来,在Aquaculture, World J Microbiol Biotechnol, Developmental and Comparative ImmunologyThe Israeli Journal of Aquaculture-Bamidgeh等SCI刊物上发表论文近8篇。目前授权发明专利1项,主持厅级项目1项,参与国家级课题1项,参与省级课题2项。


1. Jing Fang, Dengfeng Li*, Ran Xu, Liping Zhang, Lianguo Liu, Annan Guo. 2015. Tubulin mediates Portunus trituberculatus reovirus infection. Aquaculture.448:196- 202. (第一作者,中科院SCI期刊升级版分区1区,TOP期刊)

2. Dengfeng Li#, Jing Fang#, Bohai Wen, Xinzhong Wu*. 2021. Molecular identification of a novel intracellular proteobacteria from scallop Chlamys farreri. Aquaculture. 539:736565. (共同第一作者,中科院SCI期刊升级版分区1区,TOP期刊)

3. Meijuan Chen#, Dengfeng Li*, Jing Fang#, Liping Zhang, Yehua Gu, Lianguo Liu, Ge Zhang. 2017. Apolipoprotein mediates soft-shelled turtle systemic septicemia spherical virus (STSSSV) infection. Aquaculture,473:501-507. (共同第一作者,中科院SCI期刊升级版分区1区,TOP期刊)

4. Xiaohui Cai#, Jing Fang#, Yuna Zhou, Honglin Chen,Xinzhong Wu*, Yinhui Peng*. 2020. Comparative transcriptome analysis of the seaworm (Sipunculus nudus) and identification of differentially expressed genes associated with differential body size. The Israeli Journal of Aquaculture-Bamidgeh. (共同第一作者,中科院SCI期刊分区4区)

5. Yang Zhang#, Jing Fang#, Jinfeng Sun, Xinzhong Wu*. 2017. Identification of Rickettsia-Like Organism (RLO) in the Oyster Crassostrea rivularis Gould. Ann. Clin.Cytol. Pathol, 3(2), 1056.(共同第一作者,普刊)

6. Jing Fang, Xiaohui Cai, Fengyi Mao, Hongyu Li, Honglin Chen, Minhua Qian,Jacob R. Hambrook, Patrick C. Hanington*, Xinzhong Wu*. 2022. Immune Transcripts of the Pacific Oyster, Crassostrea gigas Larvae that Change in Expression as a Result of Bacteria Challenge. Immunotherapy (Los Angel), 8:207. (第一作者,普刊)

7. Hongyu Li , Jacob R Hambrook, Emmanuel A Pila, Abdullah A Gharamah, Jing Fang, Xinzhong Wu*, Patrick Hanington*. 2020. Coordination of Humoral Immune Factors Dictates Compatibility Between Schistosoma mansoni and Biomphalaria glabrata. Elife, 9;9:e51708. (参与发表,中科院SCI期刊升级版分区1区,基础版分区2区,TOP期刊)

8. Ran Xu, Dengfeng Li*, Jiao Peng, Jing Fang, Liping Zhang, Lianguo Liu. 2016. Cloning, expression and antioxidant activity of a novel collagen from Pelodiscus sinensis. World J Microbiol Biotechnol, 32:100. (参与发表,中科院SCI期刊分区3区)

9. Pila, E.A., Sullivan, J.T., Wu, X.Z., Fang, J., Gordy, M.A., Rudko, S.P., and Hanington, P.C*. 2016. Hemoatpoiesis in molluscs: a review of haemocyte development and function in gastropods, cephalopods and bivalves. Developmental and Comparative Immunology, 58:119-128. (参与发表,中科院SCI期刊升级版分区2区,基础版分区3区,TOP期刊)

10. Liping Zhang., Dengfeng Li*., Lianguo Liu., Jing Fang., Ran Xu., Ge Zhang. 2015. Development of a colloidal gold immunochromatographic strip for the rapid detection of soft-shelled turtle systemic septicemia spherical virus. Journal of Virological Methods, 221:39-45. (参与发表,中科院SCI期刊分区4区)


方静,李登峰,刘联国,徐然,章礼平. 一种三疣梭子蟹呼肠孤病毒受体及其筛选方法和应用[P]. 2014108334477.

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